Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kinky/Curly Magazine Celebrates One Year! and Tyra's Real Hair!

I wrote my very first blog entry on September 8, 2008. I let the entire World Wide Web know about my hair-story. Much of that story is still being written. I've fully accepted my crown, and I wear it proudly. I wear it well. My heart's desire is to now help other women accept theirs.

I think it's fitting that today Tyra Banks premiered Season 5 of her talk show by revealing her real hair (sans weave, still permed. It's about baby steps, y'all). She looked beautiful. She looked like that sistah at the mall, your child's always-put-together teacher, like YOU! It made me ask myself, If Tyra's gonna use weave, why use so much of it? Why must the transformation be so far from your original beauty, into a blonde, silky-haired stranger? It's gonna take baby steps, for real.

Tyra noted that the obsession with weave is not just a Brown Girl issue, noting that both Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton have hair (extension) lines, and that everyone in the industry wears weave. If everyone got nose jobs, Tyra, would you get one too?

Guests on her show revealed how insecure and unattractive they felt without weave. One Black woman said her weave gave her confidence, and that she "hated" her natural hair. A White guest with hair extensions stated "I am my hair." Where did the notion that long hair (straight, or natural) equals beauty come from?

Many men and women I asked said simply that long hair is more feminine, attractive and sexy. Women use it to flirt, men think it's a turn-on and want to run their fingers through it. It's what distinguishes us as the opposite sex. It's magical, the lore of fairy-tales, and it's romantic, and quite frankly, short hair is for lesbians. Not my words, Curlies. Don't shoot the messenger!

I challenge anyone reading this to question your own ideologies about hair and beauty. Can you emerge from the barber's chair rocking a Caesar and still feel FIERCE! If not, what's holding you back? Did you just "big chop" and now you can't wait for your "natural" hair to grow long so you can feel pretty again? Are you obsessed with vitamins and frequent "length checks", counting down the days until your hair is "bra strap length". If any of this rings true for you, ask yourself 'Why'.

Shaving my head made me feel strong and liberated. I defined beauty for myself, beauty was Me. Still is. I challenge you all to do the same.

Next season, Tyra? A twist-out? Can't wait! Until next time, Curlies.......


The Beauty Thesis said...

I have to say I have never put this much thought into my hair as I have this past year. I feel we have gone from lightskin/darkskin conflict to naturals vs. relaxed (who's more black) I love myself with my hair and I have had a period in my life where I had no hair. I think anything on my head is a blessing and I think people should be concerned more about things less superficial than hair. What about those sisters who have alopecia? Are they wrong for wanting wigs? Why is it such an issue? Thank you for your article! Very good topic for thought x

KinkyCurlyMagazine said...

I'm glad my article challenged your thinking on some things. My thoughts are changing all the time in regards to my natural hair. Sometimes I want to just shave it all off, too, and reject notions of beauty and femininity that say hair must be long in order for a woman to be beautiful.

You're right that hair should not be linked to one's "blackness", and there are sisters who struggle with very serious and personal hair concerns. But we can't deny that our hair is often linked to our personal identities. This magazine supports all women, wherever they are on their hair journey.

Thanks for following. Until next time........